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The object-oriented real-time operating system is written in C++ programming language for small embedded systems.

PHP DOM Builder

The library is written in PHP programming language for generating valid HTML documents and operating those.

BOOS Core for Texas Instruments TMS320C64x Digital Signal Processors family is released

Baigudin Software project has represented the BOOS Core operating kernel for TMS320C64x Digital Signal Processors family of Texas Instruments Company with single core.

Baigudin Software is unveiled in global edition

Date: 2016.06.07

Today Baigudin Software project has been unveiled in English global edition and it is always accessed by

We always have been aiming to high aims, that is why, this step is so important for us. It gives new ways for our project. We produce high requirements to our program solutions and hope developers of the world will evaluate those.

All materials of Baigudin Software project are presented in two languages you are always can switch between those by using flags in top right part of a web page.

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