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The object-oriented real-time operating system is written in C++ programming language for small embedded systems.

PHP DOM Builder

The library is written in PHP programming language for generating valid HTML documents and operating those.

Baigudin Software participates in OS DAY 2017 conference

The Baigudin Software Company has participated in OS DAY – a fourth scientific-practical conference, which aims to determine a mission of Russia in developing sphere of operating systems.

Support the project

Our project is the software solutions, and we share these for the world. If our business helps you, we will be happy and take your support with deep appreciation. It might be some warm words or money; does not matter. We want to know that we have helped people. Thank you for your supporting!

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Support by WebMoney

Our accounts:

WMRWMR — R837393506903

WMBWMB — B697138352974

WMUWMU — U175962452558

WMZWMZ — Z385990838570

WMEWME — E370910618120

WMGWMG — G160403382230

Support by QIWI Wallet

Account of our wallet is +79213256838, you can donate using following ways:

  • By QIWI Wallet;
  • By terminals of your city;
  • By credit card;
  • By cell phone;
  • In the offices of payment system.