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The object-oriented real-time operating system is written in C++ programming language for small embedded systems.

PHP DOM Builder

The library is written in PHP programming language for generating valid HTML documents and operating those.

EOOS Automotive R22-07 is released in version v0.9.0

The first official release of EOOS Automotive that is elaborated for POSIX and WIN32 compatible operating systems and based on interfaces designed for EOOS RT – real time operating system.

Baigudin Software successfully starts in Kaspersky Start program

Date: 2016.11.16

My project – Baigudin Software has been successfully started in Kaspersky Start program by Kaspersky Lab. I appreciate the given chance to get new experience for me, and a possibility to open new ways for my project. I hope the result of the program will not be only covenants about mutually beneficial cooperation for developing the BOOS Core operating kernel, but also constructive relationship for many years.

I would like to thank Kaspersky Lab, direct organizers of the program, and speakers of the seminars. You are doing the considerable work for us – people who want to save the world. And of course, I wish all members would have good luck on this difficult way.


Sergey Baigudin

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