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The object-oriented real-time operating system is written in C++ programming language for small embedded systems.

PHP DOM Builder

The library is written in PHP programming language for generating valid HTML documents and operating those.

BOOS Core for Texas Instruments AM18x ARM Microprocessors family is released

Baigudin Software project has represented the BOOS Core operating kernel for AM18x ARM Microprocessors family of Texas Instruments Company.

EOOS Automotive R22-08 is released in version v0.10.0

Date: 2022.08.27

This is the second official release of EOOS Automotive that is elaborated and qualified for POSIX and WIN32 compatible operating systems and based on interfaces designed for EOOS RT – real time operating system.

Thus, EOOS Automotive can be successfully used for developing cross-platform application before different OSs as well as different hardware platforms.

Release of EOOS Automotive v0.10.0 can be dowloaded on our GitFlic repository


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