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Baigudin Software registers the copyright of its own operating system – Embedded Object Operating System

The Russian Federal Service for Intellectual Property (Rospatent) registers the copyright of Embedded Object Operating System – Baigudin Software’s own embedded object-oriented real-time operating system.

Interface «eoos::api::Heap»

Heap memory interface.

public: virtual ~Heap();


public: virtual void* allocate(size_t size, void* ptr);

Allocates memory.

size — Required memory size in byte.
ptr — NULLPTR value becomes to allocate memory, and other given values are simply returned as memory address.

Pointer to allocated memory or NULLPTR.

public: virtual void free(void* ptr);

Frees allocated memory.

ptr — Pointer to allocated memory.

public: virtual bool_t isConstructed() const;

Tests if this object has been constructed.

True if object has been constructed successfully.

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