PHP DOM Builder API 2.0
- Core\Element\Double
- Core\Element\DoubleBlock
- Core\Element\DoubleInline
- Core\Element\Field
- Core\Element\Root
- Core\Element\Single
- Element\A
- Element\Abbr
- Element\Address
- Element\Area
- Element\Article
- Element\Aside
- Element\Audio
- Element\B
- Element\Base
- Element\Bdi
- Element\Bdo
- Element\Blockquote
- Element\Body
- Element\Br
- Element\Button
- Element\Canvas
- Element\Caption
- Element\Cite
- Element\Code
- Element\Col
- Element\Colgroup
- Element\Command
- Element\Datalist
- Element\Dd
- Element\Del
- Element\Details
- Element\Dfn
- Element\Div
- Element\Dl
- Element\Dt
- Element\Em
- Element\Embed
- Element\Fieldset
- Element\Figcaption
- Element\Figure
- Element\Footer
- Element\Form
- Element\H1
- Element\H2
- Element\H3
- Element\H4
- Element\H5
- Element\H6
- Element\Head
- Element\Header
- Element\Hgroup
- Element\Hr
- Element\Html
- Element\I
- Element\Iframe
- Element\Img
- Element\Input
- Element\Ins
- Element\Kbd
- Element\Keygen
- Element\Label
- Element\Legend
- Element\Li
- Element\Link
- Element\Map
- Element\Mark
- Element\Menu
- Element\Meta
- Element\Meter
- Element\Nav
- Element\Noscript
- Element\Object
- Element\Ol
- Element\Optgroup
- Element\Option
- Element\Output
- Element\P
- Element\Param
- Element\Pre
- Element\Progress
- Element\Q
- Element\Rp
- Element\Rt
- Element\Ruby
- Element\S
- Element\Samp
- Element\Script
- Element\Section
- Element\Select
- Element\Small
- Element\Source
- Element\Span
- Element\Strong
- Element\Style
- Element\Sub
- Element\Summary
- Element\Sup
- Element\Table
- Element\Tbody
- Element\Td
- Element\Textarea
- Element\Tfoot
- Element\Th
- Element\Thead
- Element\Time
- Element\Title
- Element\Tr
- Element\Track
- Element\U
- Element\Ul
- Element\Variable
- Element\Video
- Element\Wbr
BOOS Core is released as version 2.1
The new release of BOOS Core has gotten ARM architecture with instruction set version 5, some independent algorithms of any compilers, root interface for all interfaces, and many tiny aspects, which were implemented in it.
Class «DomBuilder\Element\Input\File»
input type=file – file upload control.
The input element with a type attribute whose value is "file" represents a list of file items, each consisting of a file name, a file type, and a file body (the contents of the file).
- class Element\Input\File
- abstract class Element\Input
- abstract class Core\Element\Field
- abstract class Core\Element
- abstract class Element
- abstract class Core\Element
- abstract class Core\Element\Field
- abstract class Element\Input
All implemented interfaces:
Object Builder Property Attribute Traverse Fetch Search Tester Field
int|File fileMaxSize(int $size=NULL);
int|File fileMinSize(int $size=NULL);
public \StdClass file();
Returns checked uploaded file information.
Method returns a file information which gets after checking.
\StdClass — file information.
public int|File fileMaxSize(int $size=NULL);
Returns or sets available maximum rage size for file size.
int $size — maximum size in byte.
int|File — a current value or this element.
public int|File fileMinSize(int $size=NULL);
Returns or sets available minimum rage size for file size.
int $size — minimum size in byte.
int|File — a current value or this element.
public File fileSize(int $min, int $max);
Sets an available rage for file size.
int $min — minimum size in byte.
int $max — maximum size in byte.
File — this element.
public \StdClass value(mixed $value=NULL, string $lang=NULL);
Returns unchecked uploaded file information.
The method returns uploaded file information in StdClass object which contains a name, path, type, and size fields.
mixed $value — always should be NULL.
string $lang — always should be NULL.
\StdClass — file information.