PHP DOM Builder API 2.0
- Core\Element\Double
- Core\Element\DoubleBlock
- Core\Element\DoubleInline
- Core\Element\Field
- Core\Element\Root
- Core\Element\Single
- Element\A
- Element\Abbr
- Element\Address
- Element\Area
- Element\Article
- Element\Aside
- Element\Audio
- Element\B
- Element\Base
- Element\Bdi
- Element\Bdo
- Element\Blockquote
- Element\Body
- Element\Br
- Element\Button
- Element\Canvas
- Element\Caption
- Element\Cite
- Element\Code
- Element\Col
- Element\Colgroup
- Element\Command
- Element\Datalist
- Element\Dd
- Element\Del
- Element\Details
- Element\Dfn
- Element\Div
- Element\Dl
- Element\Dt
- Element\Em
- Element\Embed
- Element\Fieldset
- Element\Figcaption
- Element\Figure
- Element\Footer
- Element\Form
- Element\H1
- Element\H2
- Element\H3
- Element\H4
- Element\H5
- Element\H6
- Element\Head
- Element\Header
- Element\Hgroup
- Element\Hr
- Element\Html
- Element\I
- Element\Iframe
- Element\Img
- Element\Input
- Element\Ins
- Element\Kbd
- Element\Keygen
- Element\Label
- Element\Legend
- Element\Li
- Element\Link
- Element\Map
- Element\Mark
- Element\Menu
- Element\Meta
- Element\Meter
- Element\Nav
- Element\Noscript
- Element\Object
- Element\Ol
- Element\Optgroup
- Element\Option
- Element\Output
- Element\P
- Element\Param
- Element\Pre
- Element\Progress
- Element\Q
- Element\Rp
- Element\Rt
- Element\Ruby
- Element\S
- Element\Samp
- Element\Script
- Element\Section
- Element\Select
- Element\Small
- Element\Source
- Element\Span
- Element\Strong
- Element\Style
- Element\Sub
- Element\Summary
- Element\Sup
- Element\Table
- Element\Tbody
- Element\Td
- Element\Textarea
- Element\Tfoot
- Element\Th
- Element\Thead
- Element\Time
- Element\Title
- Element\Tr
- Element\Track
- Element\U
- Element\Ul
- Element\Variable
- Element\Video
- Element\Wbr
Baigudin Software participates in OS DAY 2017 conference
The Baigudin Software Company has participated in OS DAY – a fourth scientific-practical conference, which aims to determine a mission of Russia in developing sphere of operating systems.
Class «DomBuilder\Element\Input\File»
input type=file – file upload control.
The input element with a type attribute whose value is "file" represents a list of file items, each consisting of a file name, a file type, and a file body (the contents of the file).
- class Element\Input\File
- abstract class Element\Input
- abstract class Core\Element\Field
- abstract class Core\Element
- abstract class Element
- abstract class Core\Element
- abstract class Core\Element\Field
- abstract class Element\Input
All implemented interfaces:
Object Builder Property Attribute Traverse Fetch Search Tester Field
int|File fileMaxSize(int $size=NULL);
int|File fileMinSize(int $size=NULL);
public \StdClass file();
Returns checked uploaded file information.
Method returns a file information which gets after checking.
\StdClass — file information.
public int|File fileMaxSize(int $size=NULL);
Returns or sets available maximum rage size for file size.
int $size — maximum size in byte.
int|File — a current value or this element.
public int|File fileMinSize(int $size=NULL);
Returns or sets available minimum rage size for file size.
int $size — minimum size in byte.
int|File — a current value or this element.
public File fileSize(int $min, int $max);
Sets an available rage for file size.
int $min — minimum size in byte.
int $max — maximum size in byte.
File — this element.
public \StdClass value(mixed $value=NULL, string $lang=NULL);
Returns unchecked uploaded file information.
The method returns uploaded file information in StdClass object which contains a name, path, type, and size fields.
mixed $value — always should be NULL.
string $lang — always should be NULL.
\StdClass — file information.