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PHP DOM Builder API 2.0

Baigudin Software participates in OS DAY 2017 conference

The Baigudin Software Company has participated in OS DAY – a fourth scientific-practical conference, which aims to determine a mission of Russia in developing sphere of operating systems.

Elements finding

Actually, DOM is hierarchical organization and one selecting criterion is not useful sometimes. What should we do if we want to find all A link tags with H2 header parent tags, or all links with HREF attributes which have the same values and are contained in DIV blocks? For this ways, we should use a find method.

Let's take previous article document example, here is it:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
    <title>PHP DOM Builder test page</title>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"></meta>
    <div id="content">
      <div class="article" id="id_article">
          Article 1
          <a href="">Text 1</a>
      <div class="article print">
          <a href="/article/">Article 2</a>
          <a href="">Text 2</a>
    <div id="footer">
        &copy; copyright 2016

And try to find something:

->find('#content');       // Find elements with id=content
$document->find('div#content');    // Find DIV with id=content
$document->find('.article');       // Find elements with class=article
$document->find('div.article');    // Find DIV elements with class=article
$document->find('.article.print'); // Find elements with class=article and print
$document->find('h2');             // Find H2 elements
$document->find('h1, h2');         // Find H1 and H2 elements

As you can see, query string corresponds to CSS Styling Tables. If we remember that DOM is hierarchical organization, we can find like this:

->find('p a');      // Find A elements which are contained in P elements
$document->find('div h2 a'); // Find A elements in H2 elements which in DIV elements

We can find elements by its attributes:

->find('a[href]');                   // All links with href attribute
$document->find('a[]'); // All links with

It is not difficult to understand that the find method finds child elements. So, parents method is exist too. Itfindsdirectparentelements.

// Find DIV elements with class=article which are parent of A elements

Let's talk about a filtration. We have a filter and not methods. The filter method selects elements which matched by query, and the not method is contrary to it.

// Find DIV elements and filter which class=article
// Find A elements and remove which

In the conclusion, we should say that all find, parents, filter, not methods return ElementList or ElementNode class objects which inherit the Element interface.

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