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PHP DOM Builder API 2.0

BOOS Core is unveiled in second revision

BOOS Core Revision 2 has been successfully unveiled within the framework of Baigudin Software project. In comparison with the first revision, the second has gotten considerable improvements. It saves the best features of previous realization and gets the new logical continuation.

Class «DomBuilder\Element\Textarea»

textarea – text input area.

The textarea element represents a multi-line plain-text edit control for the element’s raw value.

All implemented interfaces:

Object Builder Property Attribute Traverse Fetch Search Tester Field

public string|Textarea maxlength(string $value=NULL);

Returns or sets a value of 'maxlength' attribute.

string $value — attribute value.

string|Textarea — a current value or this element.

public Textarea size(string|int $cols='', string|int $rows='');

Sets values of 'rows' and 'cols' attributes.

string|int $cols — cols attribute name value.
string|int $rows — rows attribute name value.

Textarea — this element.

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