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PHP DOM Builder API 2.0

BOOS Core for Texas Instruments AM18x ARM Microprocessors family is released

Baigudin Software project has represented the BOOS Core operating kernel for AM18x ARM Microprocessors family of Texas Instruments Company.

Setup and include

PHP DOM Builder is a library which contains a collection of implementing classes within DomBuilder root namespace. The files hierarchy matches with the sub-namespaces. If you use an autoloader for including your source files, you must put “DomBuilder” directory to root directory of your project. The other way, you need to include Elements.php file to your project.

When we talk about class names, we will talk about its names relationally of library root namespace. Speaking of Element class, we imply DomBuilder\Element. The same is about deep classes. Element\Divclass is DomBuilder\Element\Div.

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