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PHP DOM Builder is unveiled in second revision

In 2014 year PHP DOM Builder library was unveiled at the first time within the framework of Baigudin Software project. Two years have been left after that moment and today we are glad to offer the second generation that is PHP DOM Builder Revision 2.

Class «eoos::lib::Memory»

Memory manipulator class.

  • eoos::lib::Memory

public: static T atoi(char_t const* str, Number::Base base = Number::BASE_10);

Converts a string to an integer number.

str — A character string that would be converted to a number.
base — A numerical base used to parse the string.

The resulting number, 0 if an error is occurred.

public: static bool_t itoa(T val, char_t* str, Number::Base base = Number::BASE_10);

Converts an integer number to a string.

val — A value that would be converted to a string.
str — A character string for a result of the conversion.
base — A numerical base used to represent a value as a string.

True if the conversion has been completed successfully.

public: static void* memcpy(void* dst, void const* src, size_t len);

Copies a block of memory.

dst — A destination array where the content would be copied.
src — A source array to be copied.
len — A number of bytes to copy.

A pointer to the destination array, or NULLPTR if an error has been occurred.

public: static void* memset(void* dst, int32_t val, size_t len);

Fills a block of memory.

dst — A destination block of memory would be filled.
val — A value to be set.
len — A number of bytes to be set to the value.

A pointer to the destination memory, or NULLPTR if an error has been occurred.

public: static char_t* strcat(char_t* dst, char_t const* src);

Concatenates two strings.

dst — A destination character string where the content would be appended.
src — A character string to be appended.

A pointer to the destination string, or NULLPTR if an error has been occurred.

public: static int32_t strcmp(char_t const* str1, char_t const* str2);

Compares two strings.

str1 — Character string to be compared.
str2 — Character string to be compared.

The value 0 if the string 1 is equal to the string 2; a value less than 0 if the first not match character of string 1 has lower value than in string 2; a value greater than 0 if the first not match character of string 1 has greater value than in string 2; or the minimum possible value if an error has been occurred.

public: static char_t* strcpy(char_t* dst, char_t const* src);

Copies one string to another .

dst — A destination array where the content would be copied.
src — A character string to be copied.

A pointer to the destination string, or NULLPTR if an error has been occurred.

public: static size_t strlen(char_t const* str);

Returns the length of a passed string .

str — A character string would be measured.

The length of the passed string, and zero if NULLPTR given.

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