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The object-oriented real-time operating system is written in C++ programming language for small embedded systems.

PHP DOM Builder

The library is written in PHP programming language for generating valid HTML documents and operating those.

BOOS Core for Texas Instruments AM18x ARM Microprocessors family is released

Baigudin Software project has represented the BOOS Core operating kernel for AM18x ARM Microprocessors family of Texas Instruments Company.

Baigudin Software successfully starts in Kaspersky Start program

Date: 2016.11.16

My project – Baigudin Software has been successfully started in Kaspersky Start program by Kaspersky Lab. I appreciate the given chance to get new experience for me, and a possibility to open new ways for my project. I hope the result of the program will not be only covenants about mutually beneficial cooperation for developing the BOOS Core operating kernel, but also constructive relationship for many years.

I would like to thank Kaspersky Lab, direct organizers of the program, and speakers of the seminars. You are doing the considerable work for us – people who want to save the world. And of course, I wish all members would have good luck on this difficult way.


Sergey Baigudin

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