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PHP DOM Builder API 2.0

PHP DOM Builder is unveiled in second revision

In 2014 year PHP DOM Builder library was unveiled at the first time within the framework of Baigudin Software project. Two years have been left after that moment and today we are glad to offer the second generation that is PHP DOM Builder Revision 2.

Interface «DomBuilder\Api\Traverse»

Elements tree traversal access declaration.

  • interface Api\Traverse

All superinterfaces:


public Element|null child(int $number=0);

Returns child elements.

The method returns a collection of child elements that depends on given sequence number and contains a child element of each element if that element is existed or returns NULL value if no child elements is found.

int $number — a sequence number of child elements.

Element|null — child elements.

public Element children();

Returns children of each element.

Element — child elements of each element.

public Element|null last();

Returns last child elements.

The method returns a collection of last child elements that contains a last child element of each element if that element is existed or returns NULL value if no last child elements is found.

Element|null — last child elements.

public Element|null next();

Returns next elements.

The method returns a collection of next elements that contains a next element of each element if that element is existed or returns NULL value if no next elements is found.

Element|null — next elements.

public Element|null parent();

Returns parent elements.

The method returns a collection of parent elements that contains a parent element of each element if that element is existed or returns NULL value if no parent elements is found.

Element|null — parent elements.

public Element|null prev();

Returns previous elements.

The method returns a collection of previous elements that contains a previous element of each element if that element is existed or returns NULL value if no previous elements is found.

Element|null — previous elements.

public Element root();

Returns root elements of each element.

Element — root elements.

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