PHP DOM Builder API 2.0
- Core\Element\Double
- Core\Element\DoubleBlock
- Core\Element\DoubleInline
- Core\Element\Field
- Core\Element\Root
- Core\Element\Single
- Element\A
- Element\Abbr
- Element\Address
- Element\Area
- Element\Article
- Element\Aside
- Element\Audio
- Element\B
- Element\Base
- Element\Bdi
- Element\Bdo
- Element\Blockquote
- Element\Body
- Element\Br
- Element\Button
- Element\Canvas
- Element\Caption
- Element\Cite
- Element\Code
- Element\Col
- Element\Colgroup
- Element\Command
- Element\Datalist
- Element\Dd
- Element\Del
- Element\Details
- Element\Dfn
- Element\Div
- Element\Dl
- Element\Dt
- Element\Em
- Element\Embed
- Element\Fieldset
- Element\Figcaption
- Element\Figure
- Element\Footer
- Element\Form
- Element\H1
- Element\H2
- Element\H3
- Element\H4
- Element\H5
- Element\H6
- Element\Head
- Element\Header
- Element\Hgroup
- Element\Hr
- Element\Html
- Element\I
- Element\Iframe
- Element\Img
- Element\Input
- Element\Ins
- Element\Kbd
- Element\Keygen
- Element\Label
- Element\Legend
- Element\Li
- Element\Link
- Element\Map
- Element\Mark
- Element\Menu
- Element\Meta
- Element\Meter
- Element\Nav
- Element\Noscript
- Element\Object
- Element\Ol
- Element\Optgroup
- Element\Option
- Element\Output
- Element\P
- Element\Param
- Element\Pre
- Element\Progress
- Element\Q
- Element\Rp
- Element\Rt
- Element\Ruby
- Element\S
- Element\Samp
- Element\Script
- Element\Section
- Element\Select
- Element\Small
- Element\Source
- Element\Span
- Element\Strong
- Element\Style
- Element\Sub
- Element\Summary
- Element\Sup
- Element\Table
- Element\Tbody
- Element\Td
- Element\Textarea
- Element\Tfoot
- Element\Th
- Element\Thead
- Element\Time
- Element\Title
- Element\Tr
- Element\Track
- Element\U
- Element\Ul
- Element\Variable
- Element\Video
- Element\Wbr
BOOS Core is unveiled in second revision
BOOS Core Revision 2 has been successfully unveiled within the framework of Baigudin Software project. In comparison with the first revision, the second has gotten considerable improvements. It saves the best features of previous realization and gets the new logical continuation.
Class «DomBuilder\Element\Optgroup»
optgroup – group of options.
The optgroup element represents a group of option elements with a common label.